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Monday, May 23, 2011


Date: Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 6:53 PM
In Praise of Marty by Erasmus Meringue Carue

That his perceptions are uniquely askew is putting the most intriguing quality about Marty a little too mildly. His literal and intellectual center of gravity is a bit lower (in the positive and empowering sense) than the average person, which translates in the literal sense into that extraordinary surfing style related in talent to those "genetic" goofy-foot surf stars of the present short-board era, and especially to those casual, spectacular, always under control Golden Age Surfers with names like Corky Carroll, David Nuiiwa, Gerry Lopez, Jock Sutherland, and Wayne Lynch, who were so much in the limelight and focal points of the idolizing, surf-magazine buying public of yesterday year. Marty's lower- concentrated- intellectual center of gravity translates into all of his mind-boggling, eclectic accomplishments: scholar, photographer with many publications to his credit, intellectual, entrepreneur, professor, painter (canvas--not house), world traveling photo journalist, surfer, conversationalist, witticist, and friend who always will lend his ear, with his unique combination of humor and compassion, to whatever story or dilemma a fellow sojourner may be needing to discuss with him.
 This is not meant to be a panegyric about someone who has transcended the pitfalls of karma of us mortals, for Marty has plenty enough devilish attributes that serve to spice up with flare and color his oft mentioned flamboyant personality.
  I, myself, don't have any radical surf adventures or escapades to add to what's already been said by Marty's other surf buddies, only that, throughout the 4-5 decades that I've known Marty, it's been a happy surprise to see his tan, smiling face appear during the hundreds and hundreds of encounters that I've had with him since our teenage years. Whether it was at some surf contest in San Miguel, Oceanside, or Santa Cruz,  or surfing together at  local places like  State Beach, Topanga,  Malibu, or bumping into him and MaryJo at one of the infamous Don Wilson parties,  or as they were delivering clothing or H2O magazines from San Diego to Santa Barbara in midst of their entrepreneurial adventures of the late 70's, 80's, and 90's. In those days Marty and Maryjo were seemingly ubiquitous up and down the California coast and,  throughout our  acquaintanceship over many years, Marty's presence has always been one of a pleasant, supportive, and especially friendly breath of fresh air.

Here's to Marty's speedy recovery as he, and all of us who know and appreciate him,  continue to have adventures creating and telling new stories well into our late diaper years.

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